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Reduce SaaS Churn Now: Practical UX Strategies for Startups

Updated on Sep 12, 2024   |   Célestin Lebéhot   |   Reading time: 8 min

Black exit sign with arrow on a cinder block wall

You know that acquiring a new customer can cost anywhere from 5 to 25 times more than retaining an existing one (Harvard Business Review). Tough pill to swallow, right? But it gets worse. Research by Bain & Company shows that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can boost profits by a whopping 25% to 95%. That's a game-changer, especially when you consider the average SaaS churn rate hovers between 5% and 7%. So, how do you turn the tide and transform your SaaS users into loyal customers who stick around? Contrary to popular belief, the solution isn't reserved for companies with millions in funding. UX design, often seen as a luxury, is actually a powerful and affordable lever for reducing churn, boosting ARR, and igniting growth for your startup.

Table of contents

SaaS Churn Rate 101

What is SaaS Churn Rate?

Imagine a leaky bucket... Every month, you fill it with new customers (your precious subscriptions), excited to try out your SaaS. But some of them slip through the cracks (ouch, that's churn!). These lost customers are the ones who decided not to renew their subscriptions. The fewer holes you have in your bucket, the more it fills up, and the smoother your business runs.

We often talk about the churn rate, which represents the percentage of customers lost over a given period (month, quarter, year). The higher this rate, the leakier your bucket, and the more revenue you lose. Conversely, a low churn rate means you're retaining customers and your business is in good shape!

To avoid confusion, it's important to distinguish between churn and retention rate.

What's the difference between churn and retention?

The first measures lost customers, while the second focuses on retained customers. Two sides of the same coin, both essential for driving your growth. They are both part of the 9 essential KPIs for SaaS Products growth.

How to Calculate SaaS Churn Rate

You don't need to be a math whiz to calculate your churn rate. A simple formula is all it takes:

Churn rate = (Number of customers lost over a given period / Total number of customers at the beginning of the period) x 100

For example, if you had 100 customers at the beginning of the month and you lose 5 during the month, your monthly churn rate would be: (5/100) x 100 = 5%

Easy, right? The important thing is to track this number closely, ideally every month, to react quickly if it starts to climb.

Why is this so important? Because knowing your churn rate allows you to:

What is a Good SaaS Churn Rate?

"A good churn rate is less than... ?" If only it were that simple! In reality, there's no universal threshold. What's excellent for one SaaS startup in a given sector might be alarming in another.

Several factors come into play:

So how do you know if your churn is within the acceptable range?

A high churn rate directly impacts your ARR and can hinder your growth, even threaten the survival of your startup.

Beyond the raw number, the key is to analyze the reasons for churn and implement concrete actions to reduce it. UX Research is a valuable ally in this process. Discover how it can maximize the chances of success for your SaaS.

Understanding the Reasons for SaaS Churn: Why Are Your Users Leaving?

Before you can combat churn, it's essential to understand why your users decide to leave. The reasons can be many, but some are more common than others, especially for SaaS startups.

1. The "Classic" Reasons for High SaaS Churn

We often tend to point the finger at the same culprits when we talk about churn. Price, features, customer support, competition... All key factors that shouldn't be overlooked. But what's more subtle is that UX (User Experience) often plays a hidden role, amplifying these issues and turning simple hesitation into a definitive departure.

"Too expensive": The Classic Price Objection

Has your customer truly grasped the value of your SaaS? A confusing onboarding, a lack of clarity in presenting features, and a sense of poor value for money sets in. Conversely, a successful onboarding, which highlights the tangible benefits of your solution and facilitates ease of use, can transform the perception of price.

The Same Goes for Features

Missing or complex features can quickly frustrate users. However, an intuitive interface, well-designed tutorials, and clear documentation can make all the difference. Well-thought-out UX acts as a facilitator, making your SaaS smooth and enjoyable to use.

Customer Support Can Also Be Impacted by UX

A user who easily finds answers to their questions in a well-designed FAQ or accessible documentation will be less likely to need support. Good UX can therefore help to reduce the workload on your support team and improve customer satisfaction.


In an increasingly competitive SaaS market, UX is becoming a crucial differentiator. Faced with two solutions with similar functionalities, users will naturally choose the one that offers the most pleasant, intuitive, and seamless experience.

2. Zooming in on UX Reasons for High SaaS Churn: When Frustration Takes Over

Beyond the classic reasons for churn, some issues are directly related to a poor user experience (UX). These friction points can drive your users away, even if your SaaS solution is otherwise promising.

The Hell of Cumbersome Onboarding

A user who fails to quickly understand the value of your SaaS and how to use it is unlikely to stick around. Onboarding that's too long, too complex, or lacks proper guidance leads to frustration and abandonment. Conversely, a simple, fun, and personalized onboarding experience maximizes the chances of turning a casual visitor into an active user. Discover how to create outstanding onboarding experiences by reading our dedicated article.

The Trial of a Complex Interface

A confusing, poorly organized, and unintuitive user interface (UI) is the best way to lose users along the way. Complex navigation, illogical structure, outdated design... These elements cloud the clarity of your solution and make it a chore to use.

The Trap of a Generic Experience

Your users are not all the same; they have different needs, goals, and levels of expertise. Offering a one-size-fits-all user experience, without any personalization, is no longer enough. Failing to adapt to the specific needs of each user can lead to frustration and give the impression that your SaaS is not right for them.

The Fatal Radio Silence

Once registration is complete, radio silence is not an option. Lack of communication after signup, absence of personalized follow-up, announcements of new features, or relevant content can give the impression that you're leaving your users to fend for themselves. Maintaining the relationship is also part of good UX.

4 Concrete and Accessible Solutions to Engage Your Users and Reduce Your SaaS Churn

It's time to take action! How can UX be a real asset in reducing churn and building lasting user loyalty? Here are concrete solutions, tailored to the resources of startups.

1. Onboarding: Transforming Newcomers into Delighted Users

Onboarding is the first impression your users will have of your SaaS. It's safe to say it's crucial! A successful onboarding experience promises rapid adoption and increased retention.

In short, successful onboarding should be simple, intuitive, personalized, and rewarding. To ensure you're off to a good start, check out our SaaS UX checklist with the 10 key points for a successful launch. This is the key to transforming a curious visitor into a delighted (and loyal!) user.

2. User Interface: Creating a Smooth and Intuitive Experience

Once onboarding is complete, you need to follow through by offering a flawless user experience (UX) within your interface itself. Forget convoluted paths and hard-to-find features, make way for simplicity and intuitiveness!

A well-designed user interface is like an efficient GPS: it guides your users towards their goals without leading them astray. However, this takes time and expertise. Partnering with a specialized UX agency can save you time and yield more effective results. This is a crucial step in maximizing the adoption of your SaaS and minimizing churn.

3. Personalization: Offering a Tailored Experience

Your users are not all the same. They have different needs, goals, and levels of expertise. Offering a single, generic user experience to everyone risks leaving a large portion of your audience behind. The solution? Personalization!

By personalizing the user experience, you create a sense of closeness with your users. Your SaaS is no longer just a tool, but a true partner that adapts to their needs and supports their success. A major asset for building long-term loyalty!

4. Communication: Stay in Touch and Keep the Flame Alive

Retaining your users also means keeping the spark alive after the initial seduction phase. A satisfied user is good, but a long-term engaged user is even better! And for that, communication is your best ally.

Regular, relevant, and personalized communication is essential to nurturing the relationship with your users, strengthening their sense of belonging, and fostering long-term loyalty. Remember, a satisfied user is a user who stays!

Conclusion: Investing in UX is Investing in the Growth of Your SaaS Startup.

Combating churn is a constant challenge for SaaS startups. But far from being inevitable, churn can be controlled with a powerful weapon: UX Design.

By placing your users at the heart of your strategy, by designing smooth, intuitive, and personalized experiences, and by maintaining constant and caring communication, you transform simple visitors to your SaaS into engaged and loyal users.

Remember: successful onboarding, an ergonomic interface, advanced personalization, and thoughtful communication are all assets in reducing churn, boosting customer satisfaction, and ensuring the sustainable growth of your startup. To steer your success, learn to measure UX using the HEART framework.

So, are you ready to make UX Design your greatest ally?

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